Wow. The time has flown by & I have quite a bit to catch up on! I can try to blame it on summer with 4 kiddos at home or being super pregnant but I won't. Blogging has just been on the back burner. Period. But, I'd love to catch up a little and share what's been happening around here lately.
This past Monday I went in for my 36 week appt. with my OB and was told I'm dilated to a 2-3 and 70% effaced. He begged me to please lay down for another week so that I could atleast get to 37 weeks! So, that's what I've done this week. Lot's of sitting and laying. I don't know how those women do bedrest for weeks and weeks. I'm going about nuts just doing 1 week! Meanwhile each day I'm having loads of contractions and twinges...all of which are getting stronger and more painful and closer together.. but then settling down. I've debated lot's of times on going in to the hospital but then I've been able to hold on. Makes for lot's of anxiety! I don't want to wait too long. Don't want to have a baby at home or in the car, thank you! Anyways, my goal was to atleast make it to the weekend and here it is...Friday! I just want this little guy to be ready and to not regret a thing.
So, we'll see what happens!
I finally had Loren take a few pic's of me at this stage, 36 weeks to show my belly (my sisters say they didn't believe I was really pregnant because they had no proof!). Believe me now?!

School started yesterday, August 12th, 2010. Just can't believe it! Here are Loren, Lindsey, Jake all ready to go...with Allie in her PJ's joining in. I'm glad I didn't have to miss it!

I think Jake was up since 5:30am ready to go. :)
We only had 2 months of summer. Here were some of our end of spring and summer highlights! First off, this little girl had a birthday and turned 9!

Beautiful, sweet Lindsey

Party time in the backyard with church friends, gymnastic friends & school friends.

Happy birthday Lindsey! Favorite gifts: new reading lamp, alarm clock & a new bike.
A little beach time!

On the last awards assembly of last school year all three kids got "Citizenship".
Proud moment...they are GOOD kids!

Jake finished up spring baseball

Loren wrapped up Tennis and loved it.

and this lovely restaurant has finally made it to California! Ah the memories. Too bad it's clear by the airport at 45 minutes away...but it's worth it!

ahhh.... shredded chicken salad with everything on it. Yum!
Loren turned 11 July 4th. Can't believe I have a 6th grader! For her birthday she wanted her ears pierced and to have a shopping day in San Francisco. I wasn't allowed to go...BJ thought I'd go into labor early walking around San Fran. I guess I did have a tendency to go early this time around! Anyways, BJ forgot the camera so no pictures of San Fran but we have lot's of fun pictures with the cousins while we were up there for July 4th weekend.

Beautiful, sweet Loren

Lovin her newly peirced ears & wishin the time would go by faster so she can wear all her other earrings!

Party at the cousins

Lot's of swimming fun. Allie & Michael

Lindsey & Ally

All the older girls. Loren, Lindsey & Ally. Best buddies.

Jake & Matthew

Allie & cousin Ally

All the cousins. Only a few sad ones in the mix.:)

We had such a fun weekend with all the family. Loren scored in San Francisco and was a power shopper with gma & Aunt Shannon & Dad. When Loren's official birthday came, it was on Sunday, so after church we drove over to Sacramento & stayed with our really good friends the Oehlers. They spoiled us & really made Loren's birthday special.

Jake lost his first tooth! He's waiting a very long time to join the club.

The kids have had some great tomato, zucchini and lemonade sales!

Here is a sample of what our weekly crop has been and it's still coming. A great summer in the garden. Lot's of zucchini bread, salsa and grilled tomato and cheese samdwhiches. I don't have a picture here but our nectarine and peach trees went crazy this summer too. One of the kids jobs has been almost daily to pick the tomatos. Wish they'd eat them!!

Last minute Lego Land trip for Jake & Dad to join BJ's brother Daren & his family while they came down to see us. Jake had such a great time with his cousins & first ever chance to see Lego land.

We had a blast at the Santa Barbara Zoo with great friends, picnics & lot's to see.

A highlight for Allie, a zebra car that was broken!

The hit of the zoo, the playground area at the top with a large "ant hill" with pieces of cardboard for the kids to slide down on. Go figure!

Our whole gang!

A little crafting... Loren & I made a crayon roll

Not bad... of course now all the kids want one!

A spontaneous visit from a dear friend, Tamar & her cute 3 kids! We go back to nursing school & our first jobs at American Fork Hospital. She was on the delivery with Jake. So great to catch up & play.
A great day at Magic Mountain with Dad...and one of Loren's best buddies, Maya.
Even greater when it's free. Thank you reading program incentive from Magic Mountain!

This summer was a fun ride!
Onto the next adventure...a new baby boy, number 5.
Anyday. Stay tuned. :) I'll try to post sooner than every 3 months next time!