When school & activities were canceled during the fires last week I desperately looked for something fun to do with the kids. They were going nuts not being able to go outside. So, after talking to a dear friend (thank you Jane!) who had just done these crafts with her kids we got on the site http://www.familyfun.com/ & got crafty! These were fun & EASY Halloween crafts made from things I already had around the house. A definite success. My kids LOVED making these! The kids were able to mold their own ghosts (with salt dough) from this easy recipe :
***This dough was so great & so easy--it would be fun anytime to let the kids mold shapes for any occasion! Besides ghosts, Loren made a swan & a witch. Jake also made a car for his ghost! Lindsey made an entire family, with twin baby ghosts of course!
Then, we used brown paper bags and made the spooky paper bag trees by following these simple instructions:
It has been way too long since I've visited their site. What great ideas! I know that I'm super late blogging about these and that it's almost Halloween already but oh well!!! :) Check out the pictures of these ghosts & spooky trees on this site as well as other great ideas at http://www.familyfun.com/ .
Ok...next...we're heading to HAWAII tomorrow to see my parents & finally be together with all my immediate family!!! YAY!!!!! Loren gave us a little preview & got us in the aloha spirit today at her Hawaiin Dance Class recital! SO CUTE to see those little hips swayin'! She's getting pretty good!
Would any of you guess that I have performed a hula dance for an audience at the PCC in Hawaii? :) It was our "recital" for the hula p.e. class I took at BYUH! The funnest p.e. class I ever had (okay...except my surfing P.E. class!). No, I was not a dancer for the PCC . White, blonde girls can't find many jobs at the PCC--Polynesian Cultural Center--but, I happened to luck out and got a job my freshman year to sell "Pineapple Delights" at the night show...Moo Moo and all! Want me to bring you back to my BYUH single days? Why not. Fun times! Next time I get back on here! :)
Oh, I can feel the tropical breeze & the sand in my feet already! I'm so ready to get to fresh, clean air & tropical paradise....not to mention seeing my family!!! & hopefully being there for my sisters 1st baby to be born! (So sorry Whit that I can't pack you up in my suitcase! We had some good times didn't we?). ALOHA!!