
I've got news...

Look to the left everyone. Yes, we're having another baby! Baby #5, due March 12th (not that that means very much, I've been consistently 2 or 3 weeks early!). I'm very excited. I'm also nervous ... and a little sick! The sickness hasn't fully kicked in, I'm only 9 weeks along, so I know what's coming. :) I'm not very good at keeping in this kind of news, or any kind of good news!! It's interesting what happens when you're expecting your 5th instead of your 1st or 2nd. You know exactly what you're getting into! You know how your body will react to pregnancy, you know how sick you get, you know that hundreds of sleepless nights are in the near future. But, you also know the joy that comes. I love sharing the news.
It was a little harder making this decision this time around. Life is pretty busy right now with 4 kids under 10. I have many of those days where I'm completely overwhelmed or exhausted, and wonder how I can do more. But, I've felt for a long time that we weren't done. There is another child waiting to come to our family. I really hope that I can do it. I really hope that I can have that endurance and patience to give that love, attention and nurturing to another child. I come from a big family and so does BJ. Being part of a big family, a huge extended family and marrying into a large family has truly blessed my life and it is blessing the lives of my children as they have more people with that special family bond that truly love and support them. I love big families. I am also blessed to have a husband who truly helps me and ENJOYS being a father. He also knows when I've had it and I need a night out! :)
Well, I'm grateful that I have been blessed with children. I'm grateful that my Heavenly Father has entrusted me with another of His children and I'm going to try my best. I know I'll have rough days but it will all be worth it. Allie has been so fun and so easy going (probably a good reason why I could consider having another!) It's been so cute to see how my older kids take care of her and their giggles at all the cute, funny things she'll do or say. I'll have little helpers. Allie is going to LOVE being a big sister. She won't care if it's a girl or boy, as long as it's a baby. But Jake...he sure wants a brother! We'll see!


Melissa said...

Megan, I can't think of a better mom that you. I wish I could have observed you longer so I could have learned to be more like you! Your children are all so blessed to have you as their mother.

Ryan said...

Yea!!!! We're so excited! Can't wait to see another one of your teeny-weeny 5 pound babies! (how did you luck out with that btw?)

heidikins said...

Congrats!! That is so incredibly exciting! Yaay!


Emily and Jake Shoff said...

I am so HAPPY for you! When we talked about it at the reunion, I knew you would have another one! I just had that good feeling and you were probably already pregnant! That's SO great! You make cute kids!
Love you guys!

calmrapids said...

Congratulations! and Amen!

Ms. Bananie said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys! I thought you've had that "glow" lately! (Wink wink!) Good luck this month as that morning sickness approaches! If you need a place for the kids to play so you can take a much needed nap, let me know! : D

Allie said...

Congratulations!! Even here we get comments on how many kids we have, I can't imagine what it would be like there...

Grayson Family said...

Congrats again. Keep me posted. I wont be along for the ride this time but I'll live vicariously through you.

Angel said...

Yay for you! You are such an amazing mom and I am so excited to watch you go through this journey again. Good luck in the next few weeks until you hit the second trimester!

Krista said...

Yea!! Congrats, Megan! I am so excited for you and proud that you have ventured on to number 5! You are a great Mom and I can totally see you having lots of little ones!

Allison said...

Congratulations! Hearing your testimony of families is all anyone would need to hear to be so truly excited for you and your growing family. Many happy days ahead!

Unknown said...

LOL. You and Annie posted the same topic on teh same day. I've got a bag of maternity clothes with your name on it!

Rachel said...

YAY! How exciting for you!! I hope your sickness isn't too bad :(

I would take three third trimesters over the first...yuck! I hate feeling MS!

Congrats again...

Megan said...

Thank you everyone! I'm not feeling as sick as I remember...but they all are a blur now! My due date is March 7th, so I'll probably have the baby in Feb. knowing my history!

Kids in the Kong said...

Congratulations! Big families are awesome. You are a great mother and baby #5 is extremely lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! I am so happy for you!

Sara said...

Congratulations Megan! How exciting!